
October is a month that's all about welcoming Fall. Baking pies and roasting turkeys for Thanksgiving. Raking leaves into neat piles, jumping in them and raking them all over again. Stringing up cobwebs, carving jack-o-lanterns and donning your creepiest costume for Halloween. October is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month and and that's a fact we...
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I know, it's hot outside. I should be making ice cream, or popsicles, or lemonade. The last thing I should be doing is turning on the oven. But what if I made the doughnut version of lemonade? And what if I told you they only take five minutes to bake? You'd forgive me right? I...
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Valentine's Day means either nothing or everything to an individual person. You're either a skeptic or a romantic. More and more the world is being peopled by skeptics. People who don't believe in anything they can't see or touch and make fun of those who dare to. I was once one of them before I...
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...Make banana bread. Then make bread pudding. Dress it up with whipped cream and dust it with cinnamon. And I don't think I need to tell you what to do with all that... ...But I will. Eat it. Eat it all. And fast. Before I do. I'm a picky banana eater. I like them yellow...
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You might have noticed recently that I enlarged all the photos on my blog. In celebration of this very visual achievement I decided to do a very visual post. These are the prettiest dang apples I've ever laid eyes on and they grew in my very own front yard! They range in size from small...
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I get the hiccups. Quite frequently. It's an annoyance. It's a curse. Now let me be clear. We're not talking those aw-isn't-that-cute-she-squeeks-like-a-mouse kind of hiccups. We're talking feels-like-I've-been-kicked-in-the-throat-by-a-workhorse-gasping-for-breath-like-I'm-drowning kind of hiccups. These are grown up hiccups people. The man to hold the world record for the longest case of hiccups is named Charles Osborne who...
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I consider this dessert a pivotal personal achievement. I've been putting it off for a long time now since a certain incident involving custard. Very stubborn custard. It was just awful. I don't like to talk about it... ...Ok you twisted my arm. So it was New Year's Eve and I wanted to make something...
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I'm not sure that I've ever told you that I'm not professionally trained in the kitchen. I think that goes without saying, but I thought I'd just put it out there. I'm mostly self taught though I've gotten loads of good experience with my family. My mom taught me how to make lumpless gravy and...
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Oh spatula, poor spatula... You were nothing fancy, but you were my favourite. I didn't tell the other spatulas for fear of making them jealous. We kept that secret to ourselves. You were so beautiful with your comfortable bright orange handle and your one convenient rounded silicon edge. You were always there when I needed...
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I'm sitting out here in the sunny backyard, my computer in my lap and my White Chocolate Strawberry Dessert in hand. Sounds dreamy doesn't it? Yes, yes it is. The birds are singing. The sky is blue. The grass is turning green. The breeze is lazy and refreshing. The temperature is perfectly mild. It makes...
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