
I've always been fascinated by the things our mind chooses to remember and the things it chooses to forget. I can't remember learning to whistle, but I can vividly remember that time in fifth grade when Justin Kennedy flashed one of his perfect smiles at me. That terrible haircut I got to impress him thankfully...
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Three years. I can't believe it's really been three years. Three years ago today I timidly introduced myself and stepped into the blogosphere. I baked cookies, snapped some photos, met you fine folks, wrote about life and wrote about love, laughed, learned, grew. I want to say thank you for being so patient with me....
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One slice of tart never made anyone fat. One day of exercise never made anyone fit. The magic happens somewhere in between. I am a firm believer in eating the foods that you love in moderation while balancing it with exercise. No cutting out carbs, no avoiding pizza like the plague, no cabbage soup, no...
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Today is a very special day! Today Hot Polka Dot turns two and yours truly turns twenty-six. To mark the occasion I have precisely twenty-six grey hairs sprouting from my right temple. I also had two pieces of this impressive specimen of pink sweetness. I thought long and hard about what sort of cake to...
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Two of my very favourite things are in season right now. Cherries and lilacs. To celebrate I thought I'd combine the two. I made you a Chocolate Hazelnut Cherry Tart and planted my very own lilac bush. The latter was no easy task. Let me explain. First you must know that you should consider me...
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Today you can find me over on The White Library. I made a super pretty super tasty Chocolate Covered Almond Cake for Sandra and her beautiful blog. It seemed only fair after she revealed her secrets to designing the perfect dessert table. If you didn't visit The White Library yesterday then make sure to stop...
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Valentine's Day means either nothing or everything to an individual person. You're either a skeptic or a romantic. More and more the world is being peopled by skeptics. People who don't believe in anything they can't see or touch and make fun of those who dare to. I was once one of them before I...
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...I wonder how this pie is. To answer your question, pretty flipping awesome. Did you miss me? It won't happen again. I promise. I've been doing quite a bit of spring cleaning. Doesn't it feel satisfying to clean? No? Just me? You don't get a certain rush out of scrubbing something so shiny you can...
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I've just discovered browned butter. Oh. My. God. Why haven't I been browning butter all along? Seriously. I've been missing out. I think I'm a little ashamed of myself actually. I'm going to vow to make everything with browned butter from now on. It's my new favourite thing. If you haven't grasped what I'm so...
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Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Knock knock Who's there? Orange. Orange who? Orange Cake with Chocolate Spiced Rum Ganache, that's who. Heck yes. I know there are so many good combinations with chocolate. Chocolate and strawberry. Chocolate and banana. Chocolate and peanut butter. Chocolate and raspberry....
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