
When you bake cookies it's like some kind of earth-shattering domestic phenomenon. The house fills with the intoxicating scent of fresh baked love all gooey with melted chocolate chips, chewy with oats and sweetly studded with dried cranberries. Suddenly people from all corners of the home come out of hiding and follow their noses to...
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In a family you operate like satellites that orbit around the home. When one moves the others shift to compensate. So when Lee starts working a late shift and doesn't get home until 2am some nights we all have to make some adjustments. I miss him in the evenings and I stay up late to...
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I must have The Wizard of Oz on the brain or something. Imagine if Dorothy, Scarecrow and the Tin Man had encountered these fearsome fruits on their journey along the yellow brick road. I'd say that's preferable to lions, tigers and bears. But then again, that would probably make for a pretty lame movie. More...
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I'm not sure that I've ever told you that I'm not professionally trained in the kitchen. I think that goes without saying, but I thought I'd just put it out there. I'm mostly self taught though I've gotten loads of good experience with my family. My mom taught me how to make lumpless gravy and...
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Oh spatula, poor spatula... You were nothing fancy, but you were my favourite. I didn't tell the other spatulas for fear of making them jealous. We kept that secret to ourselves. You were so beautiful with your comfortable bright orange handle and your one convenient rounded silicon edge. You were always there when I needed...
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I lost my 3/4 measuring cup along with my mind. I frantically tore the kitchen apart searching for it. The measuring cup, that is. Although, had I lost my mind, I would probably search the kitchen for it as well since that's where it usually resides. The thought of having to use the 1/4 measuring...
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