Guest Post

Hi there! Long time no see! Have you missed me? I've sure missed you! I hope that you all enjoyed your holidays. I am happy to report that I have thoroughly enjoyed mine. It was filled with turkey, hugs, warm pie, smiles, presents, twinkle lights, shopping bags and even a few epiphanies. Remember when I...
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You remember my friend, Kristin from Idle Wife. She did those adorable polka dot napkin folding tutorials a little while ago. Well today you can find me on her beautiful blog with some delicious Vanilla Mint Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream. It's got real vanilla bean, fresh mint and luscious chocolate pieces. So if you're hungry...
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I am so happy to introduce you to my talented friend, Kristin from the lovely blog, Idle Wife. Don't let the name fool you, she's not what you'd consider idle! She designs, she bakes macarons, she photographs, she sews, she collects vases, she gardens, she makes her own jam, she thrift shops, she absconds with...
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Today you can find me over on The White Library. I made a super pretty super tasty Chocolate Covered Almond Cake for Sandra and her beautiful blog. It seemed only fair after she revealed her secrets to designing the perfect dessert table. If you didn't visit The White Library yesterday then make sure to stop...
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I am so happy today to bring you a little something from the lovely Sandra of The White Library. It's a beautiful blog that's a dedicated daily resource for entertaining, weddings and inspired living with a vintage flare. It's full of everything from inspiring party ideas to unique DIY solutions. What's really special about Sandra...
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