
I'm not a morning person. Not in the least. 7am and I go together like oil and water, fire and ice, toothpaste and ice cream, the Wicked Witch of the West and a bucket of water... get the idea. Some people need a bit of motivation to wake before the sun. Most turn to...
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You know that picture in your head, the impossibly perfect one? You see it when you're imagining how that royal icing flood will turn out. You see it in the back of your mind when attempting a side dutch braid. You see it clearly when you're trying to match that DIY project you saw on...
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I'm a huge fan of the written word. I love reading it, I love writing it and, above all, I love learning more about it. I'm one of those people that, when encountering a new word in a book, I immediately look up the definition. I can't read on without it. It's like stepping out...
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Recently I tried to take up tea drinking. Ever since the great teatastophe of '97 I made the informed decision to henceforth swear off tea in all its guises. Iced tea. Green tea ice cream. Long Island iced tea. Matcha cake. It was just awful. I sipped a bit of my mom's green tea and...
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I have something super special for you today! I've recently been gushing about the anticipated arrival of my lovely antique silver spoon ring on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. I am happy to say that it arrived today from Dan at Dank Artistry in Ames, Iowa. It came a long way to fit perfectly and prettily...
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I present to you the magnificent clementine. So sweet and adorable it fits in the palm of your hand. They appear tiny, innocent and unassuming but the scent and taste that explodes out of this fruit is a welcome surprise. Everyone has a particular way of eating one. A routine. A ritual. The glossy orange...
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I made it! Challenge four! Thank you so much to my loyal readers and new friends who took the time to vote for me. I appreciate all your support and words of encouragement. “Sure, you can take a pretty picture. But your task here is to go above and beyond and use photography to create...
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“Ready to tackle a classic dish from another culture? Pick an ethnic classic that is outside your comfort zone or are not as familiar with. You should include how you arrived at this decision in your post. Do your research then try to pull off successfully creating this challenge. Try to keep the dish as...
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I'm not sure that I've ever told you that I'm not professionally trained in the kitchen. I think that goes without saying, but I thought I'd just put it out there. I'm mostly self taught though I've gotten loads of good experience with my family. My mom taught me how to make lumpless gravy and...
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Oh spatula, poor spatula... You were nothing fancy, but you were my favourite. I didn't tell the other spatulas for fear of making them jealous. We kept that secret to ourselves. You were so beautiful with your comfortable bright orange handle and your one convenient rounded silicon edge. You were always there when I needed...
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