
“Ready to tackle a classic dish from another culture? Pick an ethnic classic that is outside your comfort zone or are not as familiar with. You should include how you arrived at this decision in your post. Do your research then try to pull off successfully creating this challenge. Try to keep the dish as...
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Just bear with me here and allow me to put my serious hat on for a few minutes. If you don't want to read on about a gooey love story and how ridiculously giddy it makes me then I'd suggest you stop now or skip ahead to the cake part. I won't tell. Promise. A...
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I'm not sure that I've ever told you that I'm not professionally trained in the kitchen. I think that goes without saying, but I thought I'd just put it out there. I'm mostly self taught though I've gotten loads of good experience with my family. My mom taught me how to make lumpless gravy and...
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Oh spatula, poor spatula... You were nothing fancy, but you were my favourite. I didn't tell the other spatulas for fear of making them jealous. We kept that secret to ourselves. You were so beautiful with your comfortable bright orange handle and your one convenient rounded silicon edge. You were always there when I needed...
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I've just realized that all this time I haven't been properly creaming butter and sugar. Many cookie recipes start out by telling you to “cream together butter and sugar until light and fluffy”. I read this and thought, ok cool thirty seconds should do it. I the peek inside the mixer with satisfaction and say,...
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Turquoise matte nail polish. It makes my nails feel like they're made of satin. My vintage Fenton milk glass hobnail salt and pepper shakers. They make me want to collect all things milk glass and pretty and dainty. My beautiful freshwater pearl ring. That trio of pearls on my middle finger always makes me smile...
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I baked you a cake. A Blueberry Boy Bait Bundt Cake with Lemon Blueberry Glaze. Try to say that ten times fast. I love blueberries not just for their adorable smallness, their violet blue hue and explosion of sweetness. Blueberries also hold a special place in my heart right there next to jars of buttons,...
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One of the happiest childhood memories that I have is licking the beaters whenever I helped my Mom in the kitchen. Whether it was cookie dough or brownie batter or icing, licking the beaters was always the best part about baking at that young age. It's that little preview of the treat you're helping to...
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I danced in my kitchen today. Have you ever done that? I highly recommend it. It's quite liberating. I've actually done a great many things in the kitchen. I've cried. I've screamed. I've drawn blood. I've broken stuff. I've burned myself. I've threatened food. Seriously, I wish I were kidding. You know, the usual. But...
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On this sunny windy day in Edmonton I decided to make some Spring Sablés. I know, I know, it's not Spring yet, but a girl can dream can't she? This past week has been mild, clear and beautiful but I learned today that we might actually get more snow. What a tease that mother nature...
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