Peanut Butter

One slice of tart never made anyone fat. One day of exercise never made anyone fit. The magic happens somewhere in between. I am a firm believer in eating the foods that you love in moderation while balancing it with exercise. No cutting out carbs, no avoiding pizza like the plague, no cabbage soup, no...
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I've never been the sort of person who surrounds herself with hundreds of friends. But the few close friends that I do have, that stood the test of time and trials of distance, I will treasure always. If you're lucky in life, you have that one person who really gets you. That one person who...
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Maybe I ran out of ideas. Maybe I neglected to plan anything this week. Maybe I'm a genius... ...Or maybe I just stood gape-mouthed in front of the open refrigerator until it hit me. A peanut butter and jam sandwich in cookie form. Could there be anything better? That would be a no. I think...
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There are a few specific types of food that it is considered absolutely criminal to dislike. Corn on the cob, for example. It's in season and it's on sale at the supermarket by the bin-fulls. I casually yet efficiently weave my cart around that bin and the greedy patrons digging through it all the while...
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Sure it seems glamourous with all the chocolate, lemon curd and brown butter, but I'm here today to expose to you the hidden reality of food blogging. I present the pros and cons. It's a delicate balance maintained only by the most unbalanced of people. Pro: There's always an impressive supply of tasty treats in...
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