The New Food Processor Bible.
This entry was posted in Giveaway, Yeast Breads and tagged Basil, Focaccia, Garlic, Recipe, Rosemary, Thyme on April 15, 2011.
I must have been really good last year because I got a shiny new KitchenAid food processor for Christmas. I love it to pieces. If you've ever had a new kitchen toy you understand how exciting it is to switch it on for the first time. Your eyes light up, your face cracks into a smile from ear to ear and you jump for joy. Instant gratification. If you're like me your always trying to come up with excuses to use it.
First I made pesto. That was awesome. Then I made more pesto. Even more awesome. Then I ran out of ideas.
I didn't expect that, but I think I've figured out what the problem is. For years I've been just fine without a food processor and I've become accustom to doing everything by hand. Shredding cheese, chopping garlic, slicing potatoes, whisking eggs, etc. It's like taking the long road for years then suddenly finding a shortcut only to get lost.
When The New Food Processor Bible by Norene Gilletz found me it all became clear. I realized what my food processor was actually capable of. Soups, fish, pastry, mousse, vegetables, chicken, marinades, dressings, breads, frosting, cookies and so much more. As if that isn't enough there's an entire section dedicated to proper use of your food processor with detailed dos and don'ts, techniques, the right blade for the job and even how to make food for picky eaters.
To exemplify the multitude of blissfully simple yet delicious recipes this book has to offer I made this Focaccia bread. It was quick, easy and flavourful. It was the first time I've ever tried my hand at Foccaccia and I can tell you it won't be the last.
I can see a lot more fun with grinding, blending, shredding and chopping in my near future.
And in your near future I see you winning a copy of The New Food Processor Bible for your very own right here. That's right, I'm psychic!
How to Enter:
1. Leave a comment here telling me about your favourite way to use your food processor. You might use it to chop nuts for ice cream topping, puree tomatoes for soup or grind graham crackers for cheese cake crust. I'd love to know! 2. Follow me on Twitter, tweet the contest (Check out @Hot_Polka_Dot to enter to win The New Food Processor Bible so you can grind, blend, shred & chop up a storm! and leave another comment here telling me you've done so. 3. Like me on Facebook and leave even another comment here telling me you've done so. 4. Become my friend on Foodbuzz and leave yet another comment here telling me you've done so.
Contest Details:
- If you're already following me on Twitter, liking me on Facebook, or my friend on Foodbuzz that's ok! You're entries still count! - Only a maximum of four entries per person will be permitted in the ways I've designated above. - Anyone in the world is welcome to enter. - Upon winning please email me at hotpolkadot (at) live (dot) com to claim your prize and give me your mailing address to receive the cookbook. - All emails and addresses will be kept confidential.
Contest Deadline:
The contest will be open through the weekend and be closed on Monday April the 11th at 9pm MST. I will close the comments at this time so make sure to get your entries in soon! The winner will be chosen at random and announced Tuesday morning. Make sure to get in as many extra entries you can for a better chance to win!
This giveaway is now closed. Thank you to everyone who entered! See who won here.
Source: The New Food Processor Bible's Focaccia.
1 tsp granulated sugar 1/2 cup warm water 1 tbsp active dry yeast 3 cup flour 1 tsp salt 1/2 tsp dried basil 1/2 tsp dried thyme 1/2 tsp dried rosemary 2 tbsp olive oil 3/4 cup lukewarm water
2 tbsp olive oil 2 or 3 cloves garlic, diced Basil, thyme and rosemary to taste Coarse sea salt and pepper to taste Printer-Friendly Version
In a liquid measuring cup dissolve the sugar in the warm water. Sprinkle the yeast over top and let it stand for 8 – 10 minutes until it's foamy.
Meanwhile in a food processor with a dough blade combine the flour, salt, basil, thyme, rosemary and oil. Stir the foamy yeast to dissolve it and blend it into the flour mixture. While the machine is running gradually add the lukewarm water then mix it until the dough gathers in a solid mass around the blades. Let the machine knead the dough 30 – 40 seconds longer then turn it onto a floured surface to knead it by hand another 1 – 2 minutes until the dough is smooth and elastic.
Place the dough in a large greased bowl turning it to ensure all surfaces are greased. Cover it with plastic wrap and let it rise undisturbed for 1 – 1 1/2 hours until it's doubled in size.
Once it's doubled punch it down then transfer it to a parchment lined baking sheet. Pat it into a large rectangle about 1/2 inch thick. Cover it with a damp dish towel and let it rise another 45 minutes until it's doubled again.
In a small bowl combine the olive oil and garlic. Poke your fingers into the surface of the dough to give it a dimpled appearance then brush the top with the garlic oil. Sprinkle your desired amount of herbs, salt and pepper.
Let it rise uncovered for a few more moments while the oven is preheating to 375 degrees. Bake it for 25 – 30 minutes until the top is crisp and golden brown. Let it cool slightly before slicing it into manageable pieces. Enjoy!