Good Pie to Say Goodbye.
This entry was posted in Cookies, Pies and Tarts and tagged Creme de Menthe, Dessert, Pie, Recipe on May 22, 2010.
I have fond memories of my Grandparent's house. It was always so immaculately clean, decorated with sophistication and smelled of leather, perfume and Old Spice. Dinners at my Grandparent's were always something to look forward to. They would serve jello and whipping cream with dinner then afterward we'd play pool downstairs in my Grandpa's workshop and studio. I used to drink Pepsi out of green Coke glasses at their tiny marble bar in the corner of the basement and feel so fancy swinging my legs on a stool that was too high for me. The comedy and tragedy theatrical masks at the bottom of the stairs would always have to be taken down prior to my visits because they'd frighten me to tears. I used eat oatmeal and tomato soup then proceed to crawl under the table of the booth style kitchen nook so no one would have to slide down the seat and get up to let me out.
A few years ago my Grandma died and quite recently my Grandpa followed her. I never got to say goodbye to either of them so I thought I'd make them a sweet little tribute. One of my Grandma's most famous desserts was Grasshopper Pie and I remember as a child knowing for certain it was made with real grasshoppers encouraged by the unwaveringly serious insistence of my Dad and Grandpa. Once I tried it of course I knew different. It's still a family favourite dessert and now a favourite with Lee and Sable, the newest additions to my family.
This is for you Grandma and Grandpa. I miss you. I hope wherever you are, you'll be going dancing tonight.
Grasshopper Pie
Source: A family recipe.
1 400g pkg of Oreo cookie crumbs 1/4 cup butter, melted 1 198g jar marshmallow crème 1/3 cup crème de menthe liqueur 2 cup whipping cream
Note: This recipe is easy, light and impressive for a dinner party and best made the night before serving. It can be rather crumbly and sloppy if you don't wait long enough which doesn't impress anyone. Printer-Friendly Version
Butter an 8 inch square glass pan and set it aside.
In a medium bowl mix together the Oreo cookie crumbs and melted butter then firmly press flat half of it into the bottom of the prepared pan.
In a large bowl stir the crème de menthe and marshmallow crème together until it's smooth and there are no marshmallow lumps. In a separate large bowl with an electric mixer whip the cream until stiff peaks form then fold it into the marshmallow mixture.
Pour it into the pan over the pressed cookie crumbs and smooth out the surface with a spatula. Sprinkle the remaining cookie crumbs evenly over the top and freeze it for at least 3 – 4 hours or overnight preferably until the center is firm but not like ice cream cake kind of hard. Enjoy!