Nutrigo Lab Regeneration after training
You have to know that particularly immediately after training, the muscles and the body are severely depleted, because in the process of active physical exercise, they waste a lot of nutrients. During this period, it is important to ensure that the level of spent nutrients is replenished. This is necessary for effective post-workout recovery, prevention of catabolic processes and optimal muscle growth. Just for such purposes, specifically for the post-training period, we designed our product.
Nutrigo Lab Regeneration is made on the basis of special carbohydrate mixtures, as well as protein. The first go to replenish and restore glycogen reserves, the second-to prevent the breakdown of muscle mass. At the same time, the portion of BCAA in its composition is increased, which only strengthens the body's recovery abilities.
Why is it important to recover after intensive training?
Effective recovery is the key to the success of every workout. Nutrigo Lab Regeneration helps you to get everything you need, including nutrients, building materials, and more for quick recovery in the post-workout period. At the same time, it is aimed at restoring muscle tissue, replenishing the reserves of wasted glycogen, as well as preventing catabolic states.
Immediately after completing a workout, the so - called "anabolic window" opens a period of time during which you need to provide the muscles with all the necessary nutrients they need: protein and amino acids to restore and grow muscle fibers, carbohydrates and creatine to quickly replenish the level of glycogen.
During this period, it is necessary to act, because tired muscles most need intensive nutrition.
Protein prevents catabolism/increased portion of BCAA
The protein matrix of Nutrigo Lab Regeneration is made up of whey protein. It is rich in essential amino acids with branched side chains of BCAA. They play a key role in the recovery and growth of muscle tissue. This is why most our complex contain protein sources such as whey protein isolate, whey protein hydrolysate, and whey protein concentrate. They are easily and quickly absorbed by the body and instantly saturate the muscles with amino acids.
Carbohydrates replenish glycogen stores/creatine for accelerated recovery
By the end of training, the energy reserves are completely exhausted. If the body has nowhere to take energy, it will start taking it from muscle protein. Therefore, it is very important to put energy sources to replenish the glycogen level as soon as possible after training (during the "anabolic window"). Good with one of these carbs and a special carbohydrate blend. And creatine gives energy to ATP for recovery in a short time.
Fighting post-workout muscle pain
A well-conducted workout always gives a response in the form of painful sensations in the muscles. Many people associate these pains with clogging the muscles with lactic acid. However, the true origin of muscle pain is not only in this, but also in micro traumas of muscle tissues, their injuries and ruptures. Post-training recovery is aimed at restoring muscle tissue after power loads.
Glutamine and b vitamins to strengthen the immune system
Intensive training on a regular basis helps to achieve goals in weight gain and fat burning, but it puts the immune system at risk. It must be maintained. Glutamine plays a key role in maintaining the immune system, which is why it is included in sports nutrition intended for the post-training period.
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I felt the effect from the first application of Nutrigo Lab Regeneration: usually after 12 km of running, I go to sleep for an hour and a half, and after applying this restorer I did not want to sleep at all, and the muscles recovered much faster, so the product really works. I recommend to purchase! A great recovery product!
Nutrigo Lab Regeneration is a very good complex, no lethargy after training, the usual muscles are wooden after training, but if you take a post-training complex, this effect disappears.