This entry was posted in Muffins and Scones and tagged Banana, Chocolate, Cinnamon, Recipe on April 5, 2011.
All around is the sound of trickling water. Icicles shrinking and dripping. The wind blows as though breathing a long baited sigh of relief. The birds sing again. The sun burns red through closed eyelids and thaws the chill from the interminable Winter.
Spring is here. In case you didn't know, Spring is my favourite season. It's when Winter fades and slowly life begins again. Winter is like living on pause. Life is frozen in place. It's time for play.
Speaking of which, I was playing with my original Banana Muffins recipe the other day and transformed it into Chocolate Banana Cinnamon Muffins. I think you'll like it.
Chocolate Banana Cinnamon Muffins
Makes a dozen muffins.
Source: Adapted from my family recipe.
3 large bananas 3/4 cup granulated sugar 1 egg, slightly beaten 1/3 cup unsalted butter, melted 1 cup flour 1/2 cup cocoa powder 1 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp baking powder Printer-Friendly Version
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees and position a rack in the center. Line a muffin tin with baking cups and set it aside.
To make your own tulip baking cups cut 2 – 3 inch squares of parchment paper and press them into the muffin tin. Whatever paper puckers up because of being pushed into the muffin tin crease with your fingernail so it keeps it's shape.
In a large bowl mash the bananas with a fork then mix in the sugar, egg and butter.
In a separate bowl whisk together the flour, cocoa powder, cinnamon, salt, baking soda and baking powder then lightly fold it into the banana mixture. The batter should be just moistened and still a little clumpy. Over mixing will produce short tough muffins.
Divide the batter between the prepared muffin cups and bake them for about 20 minutes until a toothpick inserted into the middle comes out clean. Transfer them to a rack to cool and enjoy!